Kühn Controls

DOLD safety technology offered by Kühn Controls AG


Safety technology

DOLD Safety devices

Today, our specialized safety hardware department is one of the development of the relay module business unit.
What started decades ago with the development of a two-hand safety relay was continued and extended to form an extensive safety relay module range over the last 15 years.
From single function safety modules up to modular multifunction safety systems with field bus connections, designed to protect both man and machine.
Sometimes it is not too easy for machine and system manufacturers and users alike to design safety-related circuits using discrete contactor hardware to comply with the abundance of regulations currently in place.
To assist them, DOLD offer type-tested safety modules allowing tailored solutions to be installed with respect to functionality and cost.

DOLD Safety switch and trapped key interlock system

This safety switch and trapped key interlock system, especially designed according to DIN EN ISO 13849 and certified by TÜV, combines the advantages of safety switches, solenoid locks and trapped keys in one system.
The modular design offers highest flexibility and safety to the user fulfilling his safety demands…

safety technology Wireless safety solutions Mechanical lockings

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